
Your Being Alive Is Priceless

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“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It is the life in your years.” Abraham Lincoln

One of the drawbacks of being young is being taken for granted. It seems as if your life is not as valuable as that of an adult. The truth about life however, is that it’s not the number of years that matters, but what you spent each year doing; fulfilling destiny and achieving goals. You could be 100 years old and not have lived life to the fullest; or you could be a teenager and you are living a fulfilling life, despite all challenges.

Life is full of its woes but quitting when the going gets tough is not an option. So, whatever happens, don’t quit. Continue to experience real living and discover how priceless and how precious your life is. You can buy everything else in the world with money except life. Your life is priceless. Your being alive is a gift from God and you have the choice of making something out of it.

So, choose life, choose joy, choose your own adventure, but choose wisely. You have every reason to be happy, to love, to breathe, to celebrate and believe. You can start enjoying all these today as you ponder on the series of information in “Your Being Alive Is Priceless: 10 Motivational Reasons To Choose Life” as elucidated by Hannah Akindele and you apply them appropriately to your life. Life has so much to offer and you have so much to live for. So, choose life! Your life is priceless!


The book ‘Suicide Is Not the End but the Beginning: 12 Steps to Avoid the Pit and Live Life to Its Fullest’, reflects the inner thoughts of people who have lost hope about living and sees death as a way of escape. The pitiful stories of those who committed suicide in the book clearly show some of the reasons why people usually become fed up with life and see death as a welcomed friend. Unfortunately, many do not know that committing suicide is not the end of the story. Rather, it is the beginning of unimaginable, unpalatable experiences for whosoever commits the act.

The main purpose of this book is to show from the Christian perspective, the inherent danger of ending one’s life and the repercussion of such act. The appeal is to encourage everyone contemplating suicide to choose life instead of death and imbibe the 12 steps suggested in this book to avoid the pit and live a fulfilled, happy life, making God happy and inherently having fulfillment in the process. Suicide is not the end but the beginning of everlasting sorrow. ‘The grass is not always greener on the other side’.

There Is Hope For A Tree

Life is full of challenges and no one is immune to its antics. The “challenge” however, is not the problem but how we react to the challenges of life is the issue. When two individuals are faced with the same type of challenge, one person may react positively and another may react negatively. The reactions will definitely determine the outcome. The challenge that will make an individual to commit suicide is the same challenge that will make another person to be more determined to succeed and will brave all odds to come out tops.
The purpose of this book is to encourage you to see the brighter side of whatever challenge you may be going through now. Remember always that it is the living that has hope, the dead does not. So, no matter what you’re going through, with God on your side, you can still achieve your goal, bounce back again and fulfill destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.