Just A Single Disobedience

DGAnytime I read Numbers 20:1-12, I fear God afresh, with a holy fear. Why? It’s because one would expect that with the kind of love between God and Moses, God should have forgiven Moses or punish him for smiting the rock twice instead of speaking to the rock as He commanded him. Not an outright verdict of his not entering the Promised Land.

Moses was a very humble man, much beloved by God. God so much loved him to the extent that He communes with him face to face (Exodus 33:11). You can imagine that kind of love.

You may want to think that if Moses was so loved by God, he should be able to get away with some things, even if they were sins, and God should have just forgiven him. Reverse was the case however, with Moses. He committed just one sin, just one single sin and he was not allowed to proceed to the Promised Land.

What does that teach me about God?

  1. It is that, no matter how close I may be to God, I should not disobey Him in any way.
  2. I should not take His grace for granted.
  3. I should do whatever He tells me to do, the way He wants them done.
  4. I should not be too familiar with him to discountenance His instructions
  5. I should pay close attention to His instructions and not make any mistake about them,
  6. The fact that God has told me to do something in a particular way previously, does not mean He will instruct me to do it the same way again on another occasion (Exodus 17:1-6).
  7. I need to get fresh instructions, leading and guidance from Him every time.

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