Monthly Archives: September 2018

Don’t Wait Until You Have Problems

Friends, don’t wait until you have problems before you seek God, to know His mind.  The end result is not always good. Seek God every second. Let Him guide your every thought, direct you in all ways and lead you … Continue reading

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The Sin of Jeroboam

The Bible recorded Jeroboam’s story in 1 Kings 11 and 12 majorly, but his name kept on being mentioned anytime Israel sinned against God after that. He was the son of one of Solomon’s servant, Nebat. He also became one of … Continue reading

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Who Sent You?

We are in the end times and so many things are happening. Are you close to God? Do you hear him when He speaks to you? Are you sensitive to His nudge? What do you do when someone senior to … Continue reading

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